Young boys and girls; governance institutions


Jaipur (Rajasthan)


01-Jan-2014 to 31-Mar-2017


Influence the attitudes of all individuals (boys, girls, men, women, and institutions) to ensure girls and young women develop full personhood and equal participation in all walks of life

Our Focus

Men and young boys report a personal change in their behaviour

Support youth leadership in addressing violence against women

Build multi-stakeholder coalition

Participatory Safety Audits

Kadam Badhate Chalo, conducted in the form of a campaign to reach a total of 20,000 persons, of which 10,000 will be youth, aims to raise voice against issues of women’s safety. It  focuses on five wards in Jaipur. It intends to reach out to and influence the attitudes of all individuals directly linked to ensuring that girls and young women develop full personhood and equal participation in all walks of life, including sustainable economic development.

• To encourage municipal councilors in taking up the issue of violence against women in their respective constituencies. 
• To support youth leadership in campaigning for addressing VAW in the selected areas.
• To build a multi-stakeholder coalition which supports the objectives of this campaign
• To promote institutional accountability of universities, colleges, schools, government offices as well as municipalities in ensuring safety for women and girls.

Geographical Spread 
Five select wards in Jaipur and two colleges/universities

The campaign methodology is primary to the project. Other methodologies that will be adopted to reach multiple stakeholders include capacity building, training and advocacy.

Key outputs / Deliverables 
• Formation of youth groups (girls’ group & boys’ group) in five wards
• Formation of youth groups  in two colleges/universities
• Formation of core group
• Safety audit in select wards and college/university
• Workshops and training programmes, etc.

• Youth will come out in public and demand an equitable environment for girls and women.
• Women and girls report an increase in their sense of safety and security in public spaces
• Men and young boys report a personal change in their behaviour towards girls and women
• Offices of the elected government and educational institutions make necessary changes in ensuring safety of women and girls, based on statutory requirements and suggestions made by youth
• Police, district officials and leaders of municipalities show positive response and sensitivity in dealing with reported cases of violence against women

October 2014 – March 2017

The Asia Foundation

