08-Feb-2024 to 09-Feb-2024

To bridge the gap between public engagement and societal impact, AESIS organised the Public Engagement and Societal Impact course. This course aimed to assemble public engagement officers, impact evaluators, institutional leaders, and members of the broader research community. Their objective was to deliberate on ways to assist researchers in incorporating public engagement into their research strategies. The course also aimed to provide participants with tools and strategies for monitoring, evaluating, and demonstrating impact.

Dr. Rajesh Tandon contributed to the interactive workshop focused on exploring the relationship between public engagement and societal impact on February 8th and 9th, 2024. The workshop also addressed methods for integrating these elements into research processes and supporting structures within institutions, as well as strategies for measuring success. Participants were introduced to various methods for engaging with the public, along with numerous evaluative techniques, strategies, and tools designed to generate societal impact.

Click here for the 8th February workshop ppt.

Click here for the 9th February workshop ppt.