04-May-2016 to 04-May-2016
Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Sub National

The Government of Andhra Pradesh launched the "Smart Village Smart Ward towards Smart Andhra Pradesh" programme under the leadership of Honourable Chief Minister Shri N. Chandrababu Naidu in January 2015. Under this programme, all stakeholders (individuals, partners, community members, institutions) will collectively utilize existing local resources, maximize available services, improve service chains, adopt appropriate technologies, create learning platforms, and improve existing knowledge and skills to become self-sufficient, bring social change and advance inclusive growth in villages and wards.

PRIA, in collaboration with UNICEF, mandal and district administration, and SMART Andhra Pradesh Foundation is supporting and strengthening all partners and the community to achieve these expected outcomes. Anandapuram mandal in Vishakapatnam district has been chosen as a pilot mandal for "Supporting the Making of a Child Friendly Smart Mandal in Andhra Pradesh”. Participatory processes for co-planning and collaborative actions will be facilitated to make gram panchayats in Anandapuram mandal child-friendly and SMART. Learning labs for stakeholders will be created through convened meetings, helping to build evidences, demonstrate innovations, mobilize resources, trigger processes, share and learn from each other’s efforts.

To build a collaborative and conducive working environment for partnership, a multi-stakeholder partners consultation was organized in Vishakapatnam on 4 May 2016. The District Collector, sarpanches, gram panchayat and mandal chairpersons from Anandapuram mandal, heads of departments of key line departments in the district administration, representatives from the state government and SMART Andhra Pradesh Foundation, and selected sector and corporate partners in the district attended.

Inaugurating the consultation, Vizag District Collector, Mr. N. Yuvraj, IAS, spoke of the importance of people's participation and collective action towards ensuring a SMART Andhra Pradesh. “Villages do not need funds from external sources; there are enough resources within the villages," he said. "The important step is to identify them and ensure that these resources are optimally utilized in line with the SMART concept of the Government of Andhra Pradesh.”

In their opening remarks, Mr. Jayaprakash Narayan, CEO of the Zilla Praja Parishad, Ms. Ruth Leano, Chief UNICEF, Andhra Pradesh, and Mr Manoj Rai, Director, PRIA personally thanked all the partners for their participation and appreciated the cooperation of all the district and mandal level officials to ensure participation in the event.

Pesentations were made on the mission of SMART Andhra Pradesh Foundation, plan of action of the Foundation in Vishakapatnam district, and the objectives and initial priorities in Anandapuram mandal under the project. This helped build common understanding on the SMART Mandal project in Anandapuram mandal and the district.

A short film showcasing the success of Boni GP becoming Open Defecation Free was screened by Mr. Satya Varaprasad, Sarpanch of Boni GP, which is in Anandapuram mandal. 

Group discussions among sarpanches, gram panchayat secretaries, district and mandal officials helped identify and list volunteers and social change agents, gram panchayat resource envelopes and the areas for capacity building. Formation of baseline teams within each gram panchayat was initiated, and bottlenecks in implementation of Smart Village Smart Ward (SVSW) programme were identified during the group discussion. The group members presented their various ideas for better implementation of the SVSW programme at the local level.

The process of mobilizing support from key administrative and grassroots functionaries and officials at district, mandal and below mandal levels to take collaborative efforts has begun. With PRIA's continued support, Anadapuram mandal will hopefully emerge as a model for making mandals in Andhra Pradesh child-friendly and SMART, as envisioned by the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh.

Programme Design:

Time Programme Descrption Facilitator/ Organization
09:30 AM - 09:40 AM Welcome and Lighting of the lamp MPDO, Anandapuram Mandal
09:40 AM – 10:00 AM Inaugural Speech District Collector
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Introductory remarks Zilla Parishad (CEO / Dy. CEO)


Director, PRIA

District Manager, Smart AP Foundation
11:00 AM – 12.00 PM Introduction and presentation of Smart AP Foundation (SAPF) CEO,  Smart AP Foundation
12:00 PM -01:00 PM SMART Mandal Project – rationale, objectives, strategies, activities, expected roles of stakeholders, expected results UNICEF and PRIA
01:00 – 02:00 PM Lunch
02:00 – 02:15 PM Short Film on Boni GP on ODF Sarpanch, Boni GP
02:15 – 03:15 PM Group discussions

- Identification and list of volunteers / social change agents

- GP resource envelop

- GP baseline – team formation

- Capacity building areas

- Bottlenecks in implementation of Smart Village Smart Ward programme
Facilitated by key district and Mandal officials

- Sarpanches group + MCTCl officials

GP Secretaries group

Mandal officials

District officials

GP Secretary  + NGOs
03:15 – 03:45 PM Group presentation by group leader and way forward UNICEF and District Manager, Smart AP Foundation
03:45 – 04:00 PM Vote of thanks MPDO, Anandapuram Mandal