Dear Colleagues                                                                                                        

Today is April Fool's Day, intended as a practical joke day, for amusement and fun, in many parts of the world; this round of random reflections are real, though:

1. A common human activity during March this time was fasting. People of different religious beliefs have been fasting...Ramadan for Muslims; Lent for Christians; Shivaratri (Lord Shiva's day) for Hindus. Interestingly, the purpose of fasting is similar for all abstain from worldly pleasures, and invoke devotion through self-cleansing!

2. The month of March had so many important 'digital greetings' days...Women's Day & Shivaratri (March 8); Holi (March 24-25) and Easter (March 31). My mobile is cluttered with pre-designed, universally applicable, and generally boring digital greetings from family & friends. Hardly anyone sent any personal greetings, addressed to me. And a phone call to greet elders and loved ones is a rarity now. What about your mobiles?

3. When visiting an indigenous holy ancestral place in Popayan (southern Columbia), the indigenous elder greeted us with water ....wash hands and sprinkle. Then, certain coca leaves were given to be spread over the small log fire on the ground. Conversation begins after this. Such rituals with water and fire are indeed universal; we find them in most societies, cultures and religions too. Water & fire...sources of life & living for humanity?

4. Festivals are losing their 'colours' in cities. this Holi, lighting of fire and singing together in the evening has become rare in big cities. Playing colour and drinking 'thandai' with 'bhang' even more rare. Due to excesses and bullying in the past, many families shut their doors to neighbours and friends on this day. The meaning of Holi, its social and environmental significance and seasonal fragrance of 'tesu & dhak' flowers are thereby lost on the new generation. Practice of festivals and associated rituals, including special foods for the occasion, creates a sense of belonging. Did you stay locked inside too this Holi?

5. I receive so many seminar/workshop invitations in the last fortnight of March every year; also, sudden requests for finding date/time to attend various Board meetings in the same fortnight. This has been going on for the past four decades, only to become more rushed & crowded recently because new technology (aka WhatsApp) enables sustained 'reminders'. Wonder why? Financial year ends on March 31, and so do budgetary allocations & compliance requirements. Yes, indeed. What happened to planning in advance? This habit seems to be culturally 'misfit' for our systems?

Stay well, sincerely
Dr. Rajesh Tandon




About the Author

A Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, USA) and an electronics engineer (IIT, Kanpur) with a graduation in management (IIM, Calcutta), Dr Rajesh Tandon is an internationally acclaimed leader and practitioner of participatory research and development. His journey with PRIA started in 1982, as a young IIM graduate wanting to do more than just complete his PhD fieldwork.

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